Monthly Archives: April 2022

Brikena Avdyli, Prishtina: One in three women experiences violence

Despite increasing the capacity of relevant institutions to manage cases of violence when reporting, women are still asked what they did to deserve the violence or what they were wearing when it happened. Brikena Avdyli Globally, one in three women experiences violence. These data from the World Health Organization show

2022-04-12T21:16:00+00:00April 12th, 2022|Vicinities chronicles|0 Comments

Erida Skendai, Tirana: Lawsuits – important instruments of civic activism

For these instruments to have an impact on the lives of citizens, accountable, responsible and transparent institutions are needed. But although initiatives have not been lacking, citizens in very few cases have been able to achieve the desired result.  Erida Skendai Civic activism is an important tool of check and

2022-04-12T21:15:40+00:00April 12th, 2022|Vicinities chronicles|0 Comments

Uranija Pirovska, Skopje: An epitaph, rather than a legal epilogue

Even when women cease to be silent, when they organize themselves in solidarity in order to protect themselves and launch actions to change consciousness, there is always a lack of a real conclusion, which would result in social change.  Uranija Pirovska  Violence culminates during war time and seems to end

2022-04-12T21:15:15+00:00April 12th, 2022|Vicinities chronicles|0 Comments

Marko Milutinovic, Belgrade: To a greener, happier future

I feel a positive energy in society, and a desire for people to become part of changes that will have a positive impact on our society. People want it to be them who are involved with change. Marko Milutinovic I have faced many problems and adversities in my vicinity, which

2022-04-12T21:14:54+00:00April 12th, 2022|Vicinities chronicles|0 Comments

Voja Zanetic: Activism and deliverism

Civic activism - the largest possible number of people to the largest possible extent reduce it to angry posts and liking and sharing some type of socially useful activity, performed by some other, rare and unusual people. Voja Zanetic We shall begin the story about the state of civic activism

2022-04-12T21:12:31+00:00April 12th, 2022|Columns|0 Comments
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