The European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) launched its “Trees of Friendship” initiative which involved planting of 400 trees in all the capitals of the region. The idea behind it was to compensate the damage caused by the CO2missions which occurred due to the EFB’s business travels in 2019. The goal of this action was to prove that, by taking individual responsibility, one can make a difference on the local and regional level, as well. A special significance of the “Trees of Friendship“ action was the joint regional connecting and acting by the organizations dealing with eco-activism, with much experience within their local communities: Šuma peva (The Forest Sings), Ulice za bicikliste (Streets for Cyclists), Ne da(vi)mo Beograd (Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own) from Belgrade, Za čisto i lijepo Sarajevo (For Clean and Pretty Sarajevo) from Sarajevo, Instituti per Menaxhimin e Mjedisit dhe Territorit (Environmental Territorial Management Institute) from Tirana, Sbunker from Pristina, Скопје Смог Аларм (Skopje Smog Alarm), Мој Воздух (Air Care) and Treebanks from Skopje, and OZON from Podgorica.