If I raise a public issue, dozens of people will definitely amplify it, multiplying the strength of my message.

Erion Kristo

Here comes the moment the blogger writes about himself. I would prefer the word “influencer”, or opinionist, or even a public figure, or otherwise, as people call it, “Facebook giant”. The moment came, because the time has come to talk about those who speak: how they influence, how they go about the day, how they act.

Since 2009 I have been acquainted with Facebook and “Facebookers”, as I fondly call them. In recent years I have also become an “instagrammer”, but I have refused to become a Tiktoker, even though I am an important resident of the Tiktok world, without my participation. How can this happen? Through the memes made of me by those who have a Tiktok passport. I am satisfied with these two networks only.

From 2009 until today I have been very active on Facebook. I even had seven pages and four profiles. One profile just for the pictures I took with people because people like to take pictures with me, and I don’t mind. Another profile for my newspaper articles. And a profile for opposition to the government and for my statements. I have closed the last three.

Lately, after the endless attacks they made on Instagram, I decided to enter this minefield, to oppose and defeat them in their field (I mean the call centers paid for by politics); to show people that there is nothing funny about me other than the fact that our lives are funny and tragic at the same time. And I cannot say that I did not succeed.

But over the years, with the fulfillment of certain goals, the desire to influence also falls. Now, I only have one profile and two pages, the personal page and a page where I post my writings and readings (purely cultural purpose). As well as an Instagram profile.

How is my day? It starts with social networks, with the comments they made to me, with the comments I make about the important life events of my Facebook friends, with my birthday wishes, with four daily posts (I generally make only one a day, rarely two) three on Facebook and one on Instagram, as well as posting things on Story (on all the networks I use). So, every morning I spend a couple of hours “doing chores”, because that’s what I call them.

Recently, after a scientific study, a newspaper ranked me among the 100 most influential people in Albania. I was upset because it is one thing to get a lot of likes, it is another to influence. And their ranking was not very clear in this regard. What I have done, is not simply for my posts to be liked.

But if I raise a public issue, dozens of people will definitely amplify it, multiplying the strength of my message. In all these years, I have had in my heart only a more dignified, more cultured, more democratic and more prosperous society. And I believe I managed to preserve my figure.

I have always said what people thought, but could not say. I said it loudly, clearly and beautifully. Many who do not think like me, agree with my style and approach with a little humor. I fight for the children, for the homeland, for the family and a more beautiful world. Time will tell.


Erion Kristo, pedagogue, journalist and activist