Although it often seems like a cliché, it is only youth and its inclusiveness that can move the wheel of history, that can take Albania to Europe, and at the same time bring Europe to Albania.

 Edona Haklaj


“We want Albania like all of Europe”…

This may be the most heard phrase in at least 30 years, in a country like Albania, where Europe has been seen for decades as a dream, sometimes close, sometimes far.

In protests and gatherings, in coffeehouse conversations or important discussions, the above expression continues to be present. Present, often as an accompanying slogan, often as a pride or achievement that we are approaching Europe, and not a few times as a dilemma, if we are ready to approach or join the European terrain.

It is enough to ask young people today, about the meaning that Europe has for them, or rather the journey towards European integration. The answer will not be the same in either case, and you may even get silence.

However, in these separate camps of answers and thoughts, you can easily notice their inner desire, and the hope that one day they will reach that journey, the journey started by their parents decades ago, and that they have passed the baton to the next generation, to the youth.

In fact, among the responsibilities that the generations pass on to each other, there is also pessimism and disappointment. There is no lack of dilemmas or skepticism. They are skeptical if their country will become, skeptical about the achievement of democracy or its fall, skeptical if there will be a long-awaited finale of the European journey.

At the intersection of these dilemmas, there are these same young people who cannot avoid the reality of the country they live in, and who turn their eyes to Europe, often to find a solution, and in other cases to see it as a choice. These are the same young people who want to engage inside or outside the country, as a form of interaction, with the aim of giving life to the development of their country.

It is these young people who seek to bring the experience gained from European countries and institutions to Albania, as a handshake for the democratization of the country.

These are the same young people who are no longer satisfied with just words, they want deeds. They are young people who are no longer satisfied with promises, but want action. They are young, who have the same goal, regardless of commitment or not:

A European Albania, a democratic and legal state, a society where you can live and work, where the contribution of professionals is a key step in the journey of the European train.

Maybe the destination is not close, maybe it can come faster than you think.

Only one thing is certain: There is no young person who does not want integration in the European Union.

Although it often seems like a cliché, it is only youth and its inclusiveness that can move the wheel of history, that can take Albania to Europe, and at the same time bring Europe to Albania.

The political or historical contexts that follow the development of a country cannot but influence the beliefs that the people form, but as Churchill said: “Who is optimistic sees the opportunity precisely in difficult times”.


Edona Haklaj, is the Youth Ambassador for the Western Balkans, an EU program