For our politicians to remain longer in power under any circumstances and at any price, as it is now, April Fools’ Day is not annual, neither monthly, not even a weekly event, but it is on daily basis and their promises are simply dark stitches sewn with white threads.

Edmond Tupja

According to Taoism, which includes many principles, among which also the yin and yang principle and according to it – two different components belong to the same doublet, at the same time opposite and complementary for each other, hereby we can assert that the lie forms a pair with the truth, without even being contradictory to dialectics, even to the Marxist one (let’s remember “the unity of opposites”). However, when we tell lies to unknown people, when we write them on Facebook and other social media, the main aim is to have fun, to forget the daily stresses, but the fun has also a limit because it can have side effects, especially when the stresses do not allow you to have fun.

But, as some psychologists and educators teach us that children should be protected from liars, they should also teach them what is a lie not only theoretically, but also practically; not only in the family, but also in school, they should be taught what is a lie for fun purposes, but also what is a lie with manipulative purposes.

However, we adults should also be protected from poisonous lies wrapped in a thin layer of caramelized sugar by deceivers that spread these lies in a national, regional or even international level in order to sneer us, deceive us and rob us by putting their noses even in our intimate lives or in our bank accounts. At the other side, at every time and at every place of the world there were rich and poor; strong and weak; exploiters and exploited; rulers and ruled, a social, economical and political phenomenon that is still current and a source of issues that make us think that the planet Earth is sick and that humanity suffers. For this reason, the French mathematician and brilliant encyclopaedist D’Alembert described politics as “the art of deceiving people”. Oh, how real this definition sounds, more precisely this aphorism with axiomatic value, especially in Republic of Albania the last years. For our politicians to remain longer in power under any circumstances and at any price, as it is now, April Fools’ Day is not annual, neither monthly, not even a weekly event, but it is on daily basis and their promises are simply dark stitches sewn with white threads that say “moooo” in such a way, that even the cows want to get engaged in politics and graze and make dung at the top of power. This is very true, as there are more and more Albanians that can realize the giant nose between the eyes of our politicians when they see them lying shamelessly in their small and big screens, in an oral or written form, and even with their looks and body languages.

The writer Fatos Kongoli, a translated author in twelve international languages, two years ago has published a novel called “Small liars”. Ah, if he only wrote a trilogy naming the first volume “Big liars”, the second “Big deceivers” and the third “Big monsters”!


Edmond Tupja is an Albanian translator and writer