It is up to Man and his mental responses as to what extent he will ensure that artificial intelligence does not produce operations that would exceed ethical and legal norms.

 Dževdet Tuzlić

Less than a month ago we heard news that the city of Derventa, in the north of Bosnia, had its first example of artificial intelligence in practice, with two robot waiters in a restaurant serving and communicating with guests, and many were in disbelief.

They thought it was appropriate for a hospital or a scientific laboratory.

But the pub!?

The topic of artificial intelligence is already widely present among ordinary people, both on the street and in the pub. Admittedly, for now, only at the level of polemical discussions about sports.

The example from Dervent testified that this topic has moved into our lives, it has become a new “specter circulating around Europe”, it has become a reality.

The two unusual employees, robot waiters serving guests, were purchased from China.

People can meet them alongside their conversations, have the privilege to touch the robot waiters, achieve some kind of communication. And the robots interact with the guests, thank them or tell them if they like the fact that they touched their ear, they are also polite when serving the food to the guest, or when the guests are leaving.

They operate by having the food served on a provided platform and entering the table number. They also take empty plates to the kitchen instead of the waiters.

Productivity and service speed in the restaurant have increased. They entertain the guests.

On the other hand, Bosnian scientists lead discussions about the role of artificial intelligence in different areas of life on a multidisciplinary basis.

So they organized a scientific conference on artificial intelligence, the Proceedings of which were promoted in Mostar and Sarajevo. Everything is coordinated by the Intera Technology Park from Mostar. The Federal Ministry of Education and Science also got involved, because the importance of artificial intelligence is recognized as an essential component of the present and the future.

Its application has already been observed in the fields of law, medicine, and even in journalism, and a new conference on the application of artificial intelligence is expected by the end of 2023.

The collection, which appeared for the first time in printed form, also includes the UN Declaration on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.

This points to the fact that there are great fears for possible misuse of artificial intelligence.

Sarajevo professor Zikrija Avdagić is an advocate of discussions on all aspects of the use of artificial intelligence, when it can help people in performing special tasks, but also the possibility of it becoming too autonomous, when it could become a factor of dehumanization of Man, which should not be ignored either.

Although the general conclusion, after reading the extensive content of the Proceedings, is that artificial intelligence has already stepped into everyday life and that it has become part of reality, it is up to Man and his mental responses as to what extent he will ensure that artificial intelligence does not produce operations that would exceed ethical and legal norms.

That is why it is necessary for us to be responsible in using the progress of artificial intelligence, which would get the best and eliminate the negative effects.

After all, nothing can replace Man in the aspects that require our unique mental abilities.

Guided by the principle of Balkan mentality, which is to manage even in the worst situations, something that has been witnessed countless times by history and everyday life to this day, optimists claim that they will put an end to artificial intelligence, the inanimate system that has the ability to find its way in new situations.


Dževdet Tuzlić, Bosnian journalist with decades of experience in radio, television and print media