If we put the word “youth” in addition to social entrepreneurship in the post-covid agenda, we definitely have a strategy for building a future and a better world.

Biljana Stojceska

Although already in March 2021, I will say, this year started with the old new challenge “How to deal with the pandemic of Covid 19?”. In fact, this pandemic is not only a challenge, but also a narrow window or a rare opportunity to reflect on our attitude towards society. The importance of investing in good, which lasts and has existed for more than a decade, but also the role of this investment in the post-covid agenda gives it a whole new level of importance.

The topicality of the question “How to go on after the pandemic of Covid 19” in the daily news and newspapers is covered through the public sector (state institutions) and the private sector (for-profit businesses). “The Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia has adopted the following measures to deal with the crisis”, they say. On the other hand, “At today’s meeting with the competent institutions, Representatives of the business community demanded effective solutions to the economic implications of the Covid 19 crisis”. And, while in the first and the second sector dominate the words “give” and “demand”, in the third, the social sector (non-governmental organizations) the word “crisis” dominates. And we have young people in crisis, rights in crisis, values ​​in crisis, crisis in crisis.

It is therefore necessary to use the new economic approach in the post-covid agenda that combines the best of the public sector, the private sector and the social sector. In fact, an evolution called social entrepreneurship has opened the boundaries between these three sectors, focusing on an additional fourth sector. I present the fourth sector as a mosaic of innovations, organizations and networks, for-profit enterprises and cooperatives. Definition is not needed, it is important to mobilize the driving force of this puzzle in finding the much needed solutions.

Social entrepreneurship, which opens up cross-sectorial boundaries, will be crucial to post-pandemic economic and social reconstruction, as it intersects two key themes. Yes, we too, here in the Balkans, are talking about a reset for a better world after the pandemic. At the core of social enterprise is a sustainable investment in positive community change. Positive change at home is the first step in building a better world. Secondly, small enterprises are vital for the economy in our society and that is why young enterprises will determine the economic future of the region. That is why it is important to stimulate the economy for the common good.

On the other hand, social entrepreneurship focuses on the words: environmental, social, responsible, shared, learning, solutions, ideas, opportunities, progress, development. In fact, social design companies tend to prioritize social and environmental needs while using a sustainable economic approach. For entrepreneurship to effectively address environmental and social needs, we must understand our collective responsibility. We can no longer live in a world in which, for someone to win, the other has to lose. It is important to recognize the dependence of humanity, the necessity of coaction and cooperation for mutual progress and solutions. Finally, setting solutions in different contexts, creatively experimenting with ideas, and reflective and repetitive practices are the developmental process that we now need.

Finally, if we put the word youth in addition to social entrepreneurship in the post-covid agenda, we definitely have a strategy for building a future and a better world.


Biljana Stojčeska, a youth worker in the Youth Union – Krushevo